5 Tricks to develop energy eco-efficiency in your home and outside it

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5 Tricks to develop energy eco-efficiency in your home and outside it

5 Tricks to develop energy eco-efficiency in your home and outside it

How to be eco-efficient? Concern for climate change and the consequences of wasting energy on biodiversity are two of the problems that concern us the most.

From Cuenqueando we propose a simple plan to achieve energy eco-efficiency in your home, and outside it, because there are also many tourist accommodations that tell us about the energy waste that their clients make and that they need saving measures. We have to become aware that we are facing a problem that everyone and everywhere must stop if we want to preserve biodiversity.

We share some tricks to apply in your homes and also in businesses with a very affordable budget.

1. Presence sensors

The motto is the more lights off the better, but obviously this cannot always be the case. To do this, using presence control sensors are elements that have an impact on savings, where there is no one, why have a light on? If you live in a neighborhood community, it is a great option for those lights that stay on all night. Let us not forget that all the light bulbs we use are led, because they reduce consumption by up to 80%.


2. Avoid "stand by"

The consumption that is carried out by all those devices that we leave connected and show that little light on seems insignificant, but can you imagine in the world the energy consumption that is carried out through the "stand by"? In a study carried out by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain, it was calculated that this malpractice accounts for 10.7% of the consumption of our electrical appliances. So you know, unplug chargers, turn off appliances...


3. Practice self-consumption

If you have the opportunity to install solar panels in your home or community of neighbors, do it, you will generate 100% renewable energy, you will reduce your emissions and the electricity bill. Now there are aids for its installation that you can consult at MITECO.


4. Take care of the heating

IF you think about the heat that we have experienced this summer, surely it is easier for you not to raise the thermostat to 19º, put on a little cardigan to be at home, and to watch TV on the sofa you can always pull on a blanket, do you remember them? what are you practicing! If they even bring a pocket to be able to put the remote control of the TV, the mobile or even the popcorn! Also look at your enclosures, and if you do not plan to make any reforms, you can reduce heat leaks by means of weather stripping or other elements that help to insulate your home.


5. Use common sense

We each know what we have to do, and it is time not to procrastinate, it is time to act, to be aware of how much we are at stake. So there's nothing like using common sense and developing sustainable thinking, the one we've always had despite trends, because my grandmother was one of the most sustainable, she never wasted the resources she had, she always thought of doing good for the future generations, and that, simply that, is what we have to do.

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