Guided tour of cuenca

from 8,00€
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Tour description

Discover Cuenca through a unique experience with Cuenqueando. Our tour invites you to immerse yourself in the history and beauty of this World Heritage city. We begin the guided tour of Cuenca with a tour of the old Jewish quarter. We will enter the fascinating Calle del Fuero, carved in living rock, where we will visit the monumental medieval cistern and contemplate the elegant baroque facades of the Plaza de la Merced.

We will continue our way to the imposing Seminary of San Julián, larger than the Cathedral itself, and then we will marvel at the majesty of the Mangana Tower and its viewpoints, which offer panoramic views of the Júcar River gorge, the Romanesque church of San Miguel and the picturesque Barrio de San Antón.

On our route, we will explore the recent findings of the medieval wall in the Barrio de Zapaterías and walk along the historic Calle Alfonso VIII, admiring the noble facades of its houses.

The most surprising part of the tour will take us to the San Martín neighborhood, where we will discover the first skyscrapers in history, the tallest houses in Europe in the 16th century, and we will get lost in its alleys and staircases, as well as in its gardens hanging over the Hoz del Río Huécar. Cuenca is a city that defies emptiness. It is not only famous for its Hanging Houses, but it is itself a Hanging City. This emblematic place is where we will end our trip with the iconic stops of the guided tour: the Hanging Houses and the San Pablo Bridge, next to the imposing Episcopal Palace and the majestic Cathedral. Do not miss the opportunity to compare the daytime view with the magical nighttime image of these emblematic monuments.

In short, from the City Hall to the Cathedral, Cuenqueando offers you an unforgettable experience to discover the hidden treasures and the most impressive corners of Cuenca. Book now and let yourself be captivated by this jewel of Spanish heritage!

Complement your visit to the city with the Cuenca at sunset tour.

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